Explore the Columbia
Killing the Messenger
HIGHLIGHTS Bonneville Power Administration is starving the Comparative Survival Study (CSS) – one of the most important programs for long-term monitoring of salmon and steelhead populations in the Columbia Basin. BPA has not only rejected requests for increased direct funding for the CSS, the agency has also refused collaborative proposals to re-allocate existing funds...
Stampede To The Exit
In a previous post, we looked at Bonneville Power Administration’s deteriorating financial condition as it struggles with the effects of collapsing ecosystems, declining cash reserves, crushing debt, and rising costs for aging infrastructure amidst rapid changes in regional energy markets. BPA receives no appropriations, and is required to cover expenses through revenues from electricity sales...
Return to “Return to the River”
The Columbia-Snake river system was one of the world’s most productive salmon fisheries. More than 5,000 miles of high-elevation, cold-water habitat in the Snake River basin offer the best opportunity for restoring abundance. Federal and State fisheries biologists not employed by Bonneville Power, the Army Corps of Engineers, or otherwise censored, as well as a...
Power Shift
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), a division of the Department of Energy, markets power from 31 dams constructed by the federal government as well as one nonfederal nuclear plant. BPA was a New Deal response to the challenges of rural electrification in the mid-1930s, when less than one-third of Pacific Northwest farmers connected to the grid...
Hearts Like the Mountains
Copyright © 2018 by David James Duncan...
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